Monday, January 28, 2008

introduced, installed, involved, & incredibly incapacitated, or just simply insane! . . . . imagine that!! . . .

**(Continuing Highlights-of-the-Month: "It's all One Big Blur" --Submitted by "perpetual motion")

What can I say? It was bound too happen. Leave me alone with the computer and . . well . . things just jump out of nowhere! Sometimes everywhere!! Really!!!

This is an introduction, a , if you will, to let you know there's more than just FRONT PAGE news! NOW, there's the SECOND PAGE, with details and information; not the timely things you need to know about an event in the making, but the basics: lists, stats, charts, polls, all the added information to help highlight and fill in any blanks you may have in your files--can't have any blank spaces!! Basically, Your Information's Page; and I do mean YOU! With all your details, lists, important dates, times, numbers, and general information that we all may need to know at one time or another, but aren't exactly sure where we've put them, or how to find them; least of all finding anything together or all in one (1) place.... (Can that be done??)

An interactions, participation page, (Yes, that would be "The Third Page") is being 'set-up' for our members (and possibly those with an interest in finding out more about us--our 'members-to-be') with a definite "It's All About You" design, where you can jump right in and become a part of what is said right here.... OK,.... well ...... NOT RIGHT HERE .... this is still "The Second Page" ..... yours is "The Third Page" and is still on the drawing board---BUT if it just cannot wait, and you have something you want to say right now, go right ahead, CLICK ON: "Comments From the Peanut Gallery"
at the end of this posting! There are always available avenues for feedback! If there is anything of interest that you would like to share; something you would like to know more about, get more details on, or would like compiled or listed here, just speak up, let us know! We'll do whatever we can.
Although still in the very early stages, with alot of trial & error going on and not too much down in writing as of yet, it is already showing promise, as things seem to move along very quickly these days and they just whisk me up right along with them! We may have that next page up & going before we know it! How many is that now?? Tornado

**You Didn't Think We Were Going To Stop At Only the Second Page, Did You??